About Us

Message from the Dean


Teacher’s training and scientific, cognitive and pedagogical qualifications are essential elements of the modern educational process. However, in the third millennium, the world is witnessing a remarkable development in knowledge, informatics, information technology and education. This ultimately requires teachers to undergo continuous trainings that develop their longing for self-learning and being informed of educational improvements and developments. The most significant features of modern teachers are personal, cognitive and educational. Indeed, the concepts of teacher training and qualification focus on ethical, personal, cultural, professional, scientific, social and educational standards, in addition to their deep knowledge in modern educational technology techniques.

The Faculty of Teacher Education at Makassed University aims to educate and train cultured, proactive, productive and confident teachers engaged in the causes of their community and country. Therefore, it provides a variety of distinguished programs full of field trainings and practical applications of the latest educational theories and researches, along with the optimal usage of advanced technology.

Dr. Abedalraouf Sinno